The Teaching Begins

March 20, 2022
The Teaching Begins
In this message, Pastor Joel delves into the teachings of Jesus as highlighted in Matthew chapter 5, the Sermon on the Mount. He emphasizes the importance of understanding Jesus' teachings as a cohesive message about life in the kingdom of God. This chapter of Matthew features the Beatitudes as a pathway to accessing the kingdom:

"Blessed are the poor in spirit" - those who recognize the spiritual chaos and poverty of their lives. This recognition of one's true spiritual condition is the starting point for entering God's kingdom.

"Blessed are those who mourn" - they grieve over their sinful condition, desiring to turn from it. This mourning reflects a heart broken over the cost of separation from God. The mourning leads to a desire to change and move towards God's kingdom.

"Blessed are the meek" - those who respond with humility, seeking to align their life with God's will. Meekness is not passivity, but a humble posture that desires to conform to God's ways. This humility marks a change of appetite, from self-focus to seeking God's kingdom.

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness" - they long to live in a way that pleases God. This righteous living conforms to God's will, not just satisfying one's own desires.

By grasping these foundational truths, individuals can better comprehend Jesus' teachings, live out the principles of the kingdom, and seek transformation towards humility and alignment with God's will. This lays the groundwork for the outward expressions of kingdom living that Jesus goes on to teach.