The Beginning
March 6, 2022
The message provides a detailed examination of Jesus' life and ministry, focusing on three key events that demonstrate his identity as the Messiah and the importance of following him. First is Jesus' temptation in the wilderness, where he resists the devil's attempts to divert him from the Father's will. Jesus’ testing in the wilderness mirrors Adam’s test in the garden, highlighting his obedience and role as the new Adam.
Next is Jesus' calling of his first disciples, Peter, Andrew, James, and John. They immediately leave their former lives to follow him. This response to Jesus’ call is an example of obedience and worship that allows the disciples to deepen their relationship with God through Jesus.
Finally, Jesus' ministry of teaching and healing further affirms his identity as the promised Messiah. Consider your own response to Jesus' call to follow him and become his disciple. What would it mean for you to leave your former life to follow him?